香港譜樂管弦樂協會 - 樂器教學, 音樂學校, 管弦樂團



Animation Symphony Concert

2024年11月2日 星期六 Sat 3:00PM

元朗劇院演藝廳 Yuen Long Theatre Auditorium

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2024年11月3日 星期日 Sun 7:30PM

荃灣大會堂演奏廳 Tsuen Wan Town Hall Auditorium

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門票現於城市售票網公開發售 Tickets are now available at URBTIX

票價 Price : $200,$180

(全日制學生及長者九折 Full time students and Seniors 10% off)




除了動畫音樂,音樂會還特別邀請了兩個專業芭蕾舞團參與演出,為觀眾呈現芭蕾舞劇的經典選段。Gravity Ballet 將與樂團合作演出柴可夫斯基的《胡桃夾子》,當《花之圓舞曲》等夢幻旋律響起時,舞者的優雅舞姿與音樂交織成一幅動人的畫面。而 First Position Ballet Academy 則將帶來比才的《卡門組曲》舞蹈演出,熱情的舞姿與戲劇化的節奏感將為音樂會注入無限活力。

此外,香港譜樂初級弦樂團 (JSO) 和 譜樂兒童音樂課程 (ECM) 將聯手帶來特別表演,演奏威爾第經典歌劇《Aida》中的選段。這些音樂充滿壯麗的情感與戲劇性,展現了年輕音樂家的技藝,為音樂會增添更多亮點。


The Animation Symphony Concert is a unique and captivating musical experience, combining the magic of animated classics with the grandeur of symphonic music and the grace of ballet performances. Presented by the Hong Kong Post-Modern Philharmonic Orchestra, the Youth Philharmonic Orchestra, and the Junior Strings Orchestra, this concert will take you on an unparalleled musical journey filled with timeless masterpieces.

You’ll be enchanted by the iconic scores from renowned Hayao Miyazaki films, such as Laputa: Castle in the Sky, Spirited Away, and My Neighbor Totoro. These beloved soundtracks will be brought to life by a full orchestra, accompanied by synchronized animation clips, allowing audiences to relive the wonder and emotions of these timeless films. From gentle melodies to soaring crescendos, the seamless fusion of music and visuals will create an unforgettable, immersive experience.

As the orchestra performs Spirited Away, audiences will be transported back to the mysterious and magical world of Chihiro’s adventures. Meanwhile, the performance of My Neighbor Totoro will evoke a sense of warmth and nostalgia as viewers watch iconic scenes featuring Totoro and the sisters in the forest, perfectly synchronized with the music.

In addition to these animated treasures, the concert will feature stunning ballet performances from two renowned dance companies. Gravity Ballet will bring Tchaikovsky’s classic ballet, The Nutcracker, to life. As the dreamy melodies of Waltz of the Flowers and other beloved pieces fill the hall, the graceful dancers will captivate audiences with their enchanting movements. First Position Ballet Academy will add a fiery energy to the evening with their passionate interpretation of Bizet’s Carmen Suite. The lively rhythms and dramatic intensity of Carmen will be matched by the dancers’ dynamic performance, injecting the concert with vibrant energy.

Beyond animation and ballet, the Junior Strings Orchestra (JSO) and the Early Childhood Music (ECM) program will showcase their talents in a special performance of excerpts from Verdi’s opera Aida. This powerful and majestic music will highlight the skill and artistry of the young musicians, adding another layer of excitement to the concert.

Whether you are an animation fan, a lover of classical music, or a parent seeking a wonderful artistic experience for your family, this concert promises to leave you mesmerized. It’s a true feast for the senses, blending delightful melodies with dramatic symphonic pieces, enhanced by vibrant ballet performances. Join us for this extraordinary musical journey, where sound and vision merge to create a world of imagination and beauty. Bring your family and friends and immerse yourself in the captivating charm of music and dance as we embark on this magical adventure together!

香港譜樂管弦樂團(AO) 指揮:李鍵麟先生

Hong Kong Post-Modern Philharmonic Orchestra

Conductor:Mr.Lee Kin Lun,Rex

香港譜樂青年管弦樂團(YO) / 初級弦樂團(JSO) 指揮:伍靜儀小姐

Hong Kong Post-Modern Youth Philharmonic Orchestra / Junior Strings Orchestra

Conductor:Ms.Ng Ching Yee Gisele

樂團 Orchestras:

舞蹈嘉賓 Guest:

  • Gravity Ballet
  • First Position Ballet Academy

節目 Programme:

11月2日 3:00PM 元朗劇院演藝廳 Yuen Long Theatre Auditorium
  • JSO - 天空之城 Laputa: Castle in the Sky
  • AO - 魔女宅急便選段 Kiki's Delivery Service
  • YO - 柴可夫斯基第五交響曲第一樂章 Tchaikovsky Symphony No. 5, Mvt 1
  • JSO - 霍爾堡組曲, 前奏曲 Holberg Suite 1st Mvt
  • AO - 胡桃夾子選段 Nutcracker Suite Excerpt
  • AO - 龍貓 My Neighbor Totoro
  • YO - 千與千尋 Spirited Away
11月3日 晚上7:30 荃灣大會堂演奏廳 Tsuen Wan Town Hall Auditorium
  • JSO - 天空之城 Laputa: Castle in the Sky
  • AO - 龍貓 My Neighbor Totoro
  • AO - 魔女宅急便選段 Kiki's Delivery Service
  • JSO - 霍爾堡組曲, 前奏曲 Holberg Suite 1st Mvt
  • JSO - 阿依達選段 Aida with ECM
  • AO - 胡桃夾子選段 Nutcracker Suite (舞蹈演出 With Dance)
  • YO - 卡門第二組曲Carmen Suite No. 2 (舞蹈演出 With Dance)
  • YO - 千與千尋 Spirited Away


Programme and artists are subject to change